To Volkswagen Audi Owners we offer lost keys replacement made,

Cut and programing on spare keys or Repair fault ignition and door locks.

Volkswagen Audi keys Lost

Here at Locksmith Monkey we are able to provide you with a new set of Volkswagen Audi keys on site, without the needs to tow your car to the DEALER. From the Old VW Bug to the late models with High Security cut keys, we able to make a Key as well as Immobilizer and Remotes – on the spot. Feel free to contact us at (503) 866-9922 24 hours everyday.

Volkswagen and Audi High Security Keys

Starting in 1998 VW started using laser cut ‘Sidewinder’ keys.  We specialize in cutting these keys! Starting in 2000 VW started using transponder security devices in their keys as an added security measure.  VW and Audi keys often come in the very distinctive ‘switch blade’ style of key.  When you press the release button on the fob, the key will pivot out of the remote housing. (If you have one of these, you will likely play with the flip key often as it is super fun to do!)

If you own a newer VW or Audi and have looked for someone to make your spare key you will likely have a hard time doing so as hardware stores and even a vast majority of locksmiths avoid them like the plague because they are ‘SCARY’!

If you think your only option is the dealer, think again!  If you’re after a spare key or if you’ve lost your last key, give us a call!  We have a great coverage list of VW and Audi vehicles!

If you need automotive locksmith services speak with the team from Locksmith Monkey today to discuss your requirements and arrange a transparent quote ahead of your job. We ensure the process is smooth and as stress-free as possible so you can be on your way quickly and without delay.

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